Our services entail converting structured or unstructured data and coded (reports) and uncoded (images) information across applications, platforms, formats, storage subsystems, and media.
Our specific expertise includes:
- Data Conversion
- Applications
- Formats and Algorithms
- Storage Subsystems
- Media
Data Conversion
- Fast, automated, and repeatable processing of large archives
- Ease of integration of new data formats across platforms and applications
- Flexibility to integrate unique customer requirements without core changes
- Audit, processing, and transformation logs for project accounting and reconciliation reporting
Our Experience: We have many years of successful project delivery working with old data formats, applications, and media. We offer solutions that cross platforms and applications. TrilliCom offers end-to-end conversion services, starting with extracting data from source media and creating a backup or security copy to loading of converted data to the new application and assisting with implementation. We are experts at integrating our customers’ unique requirements in the final solution.
Our Process: Our conversion services are based on a proprietary system: the TrilliCom Engine™. The engine was designed with three major goals:
- Extremely accurate and fast processing of data in highly scalable systems with no reliance on existing applications or environments
- Ease of integration of new data formats across platforms
- Flexibility to integrate unique customer requirements during processing
Processing is independent of the existing application or environment and does not require the use or interruption of production systems.